to the European Master's Program in Computational Logic (EMCL), a unique distributed two-year master's program offered by leading European universities in the field of Computational Logic.
With support of the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union. |
Important Dates
Applications for the EMCL program 2014 are possible in the period from 15 March to 31 May 2014. Applicants must use the online application system . Best ranked applicants may get a monthly scholarship and / or a tuition fee waiver for two years.
What's New
Master Thesis Defense by Mr Peter Skocovsky
Mr Peter Skocovsky defended his master thesis on 'Realisation of Stepping for Real-World ASP Languages'[more...]
Master Thesis Defense by Mr Martin Diller
Mr Martin Diller defended his master thesis on 'Reasoning on Abstract Dialectical Frameworks via Quantified Boolean Formulas'[more...]
Master Thesis Defense by Ms Nina Solomakhina
Ms Nina Solomakhina defended her master thesis on 'Combining Ontologies and Statistics for Sensor Data Quality Improvement'[more...]
Master Thesis Defense by Mr Ferdian Jovan Kurniawan
Mr Ferdian Jovan Kurniawan defended his master thesis on 'Planning Problems in Petri Nets and the Fluent Calculu' [more...]
EPCL Application Opened
The European PhD Program in Computational Logic now accepts applications. The deadline is 30 April.[more...]