3.8 Forms of Instruction
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The curriculum is structured into modules. In each module its subject will be introduced, consolidated and deepened by a suitable combination consisting of lectures, tutorials, seminars or practical sessions.
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- The module's subject is introduced in lectures. Tutorials are allocated to these lectures, and serve to consolidate the subject matter. In tutorials, students discuss their solutions to exercises in supervised groups. Seminars serve to develop the student's ability to research a particular field using literature, documentation and other material, and then to present and defend his/her understanding and acquired insights. Practical sessions serve for practical applications and deepening of the taught material as well as for the acquisition of practical skills in potential application areas. Knowledge as well as the competence to speak and communicate in a particular language is acquired in language classes. In projects students analyze simple scientific problems, relate them to the state-of-the-art in the corresponding subfield, solve them, present the problems, the state-of-the-art and the obtained solution in a scientific talk, and defend their findings. Within self-studies students repeat, deepen and widen subjects according to their own plans.