All About EMCL

4.8.2 Second Year and Beyond

  1. The Joint Commission will earmark a certain amount of money for tuition fee waivers for second and third year students.

  2. Students shall not be eligible for a waiver beyond their fifth semester of studies unless special circumstances apply.

  3. Students with a grant from the EU or a similar grant from other sources will not be eligible for a waiver in the second and third year.

  4. Apart from the restrictions just mentioned students are eligible if they are not underperforming (see Section 4.7.2).

  5. (valid from Summer term 2013) The tuition fee will be waived for the upcoming semester if the student submits his/her thesis by 15 September / 15 March and the JC is not able to graduate him/her by 15 October / 15 April, provided the delay is not the student's fault. The local supervisor must apply for this waiver to the EMCL secretary. The student must register at TUD and pay the TUD social fee in any case.

  6. Application procedure:
    Students must send an application by email to the SCIS office at TUD until 30 September/31 March.

  7. The SCIS checks if the applicant is not underperforming. Applicants will be informed on the decision by the EMCL secretary until 10 October/10 April.

  8. Students will be only registered at TUD after the approval of the waiver.

  9. Late applications cannot be considered!