4.10.2 Master thesis procedure valid from 1 January 2013
The new rules have to be applied to all students who start the master thesis procedure on 1.1.2013 or later / who defend the thesis after 30 June 2013.
The agreed rules are explained in detail in the section Master Thesis (see 3.26).
Start of the thesis project
The supervisor or the local administration informs the Service Center for International Students (SCIS) on the date of beginning, the preliminary subject of the thesis and the name of the student by email. -
weeks(within): Submission of the master thesis
The student submits to SCIS (if not indicated otherwise)- an electronic copy of his/her thesis to the Joint Master Commission (JMC) and SCIS,
- his/her thesis in printed form to the PU where he/she is defending,
- a signed declaration that he/she has written their thesis on his/her own,
- a signed declaration that he/she used only the references and auxiliary means indicated in the thesis,
- up-to-date transript of records,
- prospective composition of the JMC as agreed upon with his/her supervisor (see Section 3.26, (5)).
- Alternatively, the student applies for an extension.
week(approx): SCIS checks admission requirements
SCIS informs the student and the supervisor about missing documents. -
weeks(approx): Confirmation by the JC and local authorities
The supervisor applies the composition of the JMC to the JC and the coordinator informs SCIS on the JC's decision by email.
weeks(approx): Evaluation of the master thesis
weeks(approx): Defense of the master thesis
If the student submits his/her thesis by 15 September/15 March and the JMC is not able to graduate him/her by 15 October/15 April the tuition fee for the upcoming semester will be waived provided the delay is not the student's fault (see Section 4.8.2- The supervisor informs SCIS on the date of defense.
- SCIS sends the protocol to the supervisor.
- Defense of the thesis.
- The mark for the defense is determined.
- The supervisor calculates the final mark for the master thesis (see Section 3.26, (11)), informs the student and sends the completed protocol to SCIS by mail.
weeks(approx): Extension of the thesis work
Requests for extensions are decided locally at the PU where the student studies.- The extension period must be less than or equal 13 weeks.
- The supervisor informs SCIS on acceptance/rejection of the request.
- If accepted, then